I'm so sorry it took me quite a long time to publish this! I have been busy for the past two weeks and the time youtube takes up to upload the videos didn't help. I hope you appreciate this post though!
My twitter followers and everyone I know probably know this already and you're all probably annoyed with the fact that I kept on blabbing about it, but last August 25, Sunday(hence the title), I went to an annual music festival called Bazooka Rocks II. I was really stoked for that day, but all the excitement toned down a bit the day before. Maybe it was because I got tired from all the activities that happened before the festival day, got almost no sleep from the night before (See what I did there?), and a series of unfortunate events went in the way that almost caused me to not attend the event. The feeling went back as the moment got closer. I was planning to go to the venue at 3PM to catch Tonight Alive's set, but I arrived a little later than planned and I ended up not being able to watch their set because I had to fix the issue regarding my lost Royalty I.D/pass. Thank God Pulp has the best staff! Can I just say that they also hired the most humorous bouncers ever? Way to go, Pulp! Anyway, I got in just in time for We Came As Romans.